Our Programs
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Early Childhood Education in Pontiac
St. Joseph Child Care Center offers a number of early childhood educational programs ranging in age to ensure your child's needs are met. The HighScope Curriculum is a curriculum that encourages your child to remain actively involved in the learning process.
We group children by development level into 4 basic programs: Infant, Toddler, and Preschool, and Kindergarten Readiness. We also have transitional classrooms that help your child transition into our Toddler and Preschool programs. Your child will socialize with similar-aged children, and will transition to new classrooms with a group of their peers. Classroom move ups happen three times per year: September, January, and June.
Children are constantly under the watchful eye of our trained staff, encouraging growth and development at every level.
St. Joseph Child Care Center Program Offerings
We offer multiple programs to guide your child through their early learning years. Below is a brief outline of each of our four basic programs. More information on each program is available when you click on the links.
Infant Program
This program cares for babies ages 6 weeks to 12 months. Babies begin their journey through SMCCC in our Infant Classroom and move up to our Mobile Infant Classroom. Our Infant Program is based on the understanding that babies need consistent love, attention, praise, concern and caring. They also need significant people in their daily lives who are well prepared and knowledgeable in sound principles of child development.
Learn More About Infant Program
Toddler program
This program serves toddlers ages 1-year-old to 3-years-old. Children start in our Emerging Toddler Classroom (which is a transitional classroom between our Infant and Toddler programs), and continue on into our Toddler Classroom and Toddler Two Classroom. To prepare for Preschool, children enter our Emerging Preschool Classroom when they are 2 1/2 years old.
Our toddler program is supports toddlers in exploring the world around them under the guidance of caring educators. Toilet learnng is a part of each toddler classroom, and is a transitional-based experience in partnership with each toddler's family.
Preschool Program
This program focuses on ages 3 to 4 years. It includes both our Young Preschool Classroom and Preschool Classroom. Our preschoolers continue to learn through play-based experiences, as well as in Large Groups, Small Groups, and on an Individual Basis. They continue to develop their social skills by forming friendships with their peers.
Learn More About Preschool Programs
Kindergarten Readiness Program
Our Kindergarten Readiness Classroom (ages 4 to 6 years) focuses on both academic and social-emotional developmental skills in a close-knit classroom community to prepare your child for Kindergarten. Children spend the full school year (September-August) before Kindergarten together in this classroom.
Learn More About Kindergarten Readiness
Teacher-Children Interactions
Strong interactions between your child and staff provide opportunities for your child to develop an understanding of self and others, and are characterized by warmth, personal respect, individuality and responsiveness.
The entire staff works together to provide continuity of programs and to assure that your child is receiving meaningful and quality attention by all caregivers.
All child/adult ratios in the Center are kept at or below the ratios regulated by the Department of Human Services for the State of Michigan Licensing Rules for Child Care Centers.
Community Partnerships And Sponsorships
● Trinity Health - Oakland (St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital
● Livonia Felician-Sponsored Ministries:
St. Mary Child Care Center
Montessori Center of Our Lady
Madonna University
Angela Hospice
Marywood Nursing Care Center
Senior Clergy Village
St. Mary Mercy Hospital